25:e april 2007

Jag har tidigare delat med mig av vad min kurslitteratur tycker om det ämne jag nu läser, men efter att ha läst mer i boken kan jag kostatera att jag håller med. Så jobbigt segt!

Hur som helst har jag även hittat ett citat ur en annan bok som jag tycker kan vara värt att ta del av:
The young lieutenant of a small Hungerian detachment in the Alps sent a reconnaissance unit into the icy wilderness. It began to snow immediately, snowed for two days, and the unit did not return. The lieutenant suffered, fearing that he had dispatched his own people into death. But the third day the unit did come back. Where had they been? How had they made their way? Yes, they said, we considered ourselves lost and waited for the end. And then one of us found a map in his pocket. That calmed us down. We pitched camp, lasted out the snowstorm, and then with the map we discovered our bearings. And here we are. The lieutenant borrowed this remarkable map and had a good look at it. He discovered to his astonishment that it was not a map of the Alps, but a map of the Pyrenees.
(Weicik, 1987, s. 222)

Helt otroligt hur den "falska" kartan fick de att överleva! Kurslitterauten är inte bara trist, då man faktiskt bjuds på sådana berättelser ;-)
Det står även varför det troligen blev denna effekt, men det överlåter jag till er att dra egna slutsatser.


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